Telephone: 07447 274818 Email:
I am immensely grateful to have had the honour of working with so many amazing people.
Here are a few of the lovely things that they have said about their experience in working with me.
When I was observing Clarissa in clinic, she impressed me by her detailed research into the medical history of her clients and very spot-on analysis of the root causes of their imbalances. With her excellent communication skills she successfully manages to get her clients on board to put her dietary and lifestyle recommendations into practice. The outcomes she achieves speak for themselves!
- A Colleague
Thank you so much for all your help and support. Just thought that I should let you know that my last blood test came back normal!!! My hip pain has disappeared and I am not using my stick anymore! Lots of people have commented that my skin is lovely and I look years younger!
- A Client
I have just received the results of the PETCT I had last week and everything is stable! Hip hip hooray and thank you so very much Clarissa. I do feel so well and that is, I am quite sure, down to your lifestyle and diet advice, plus your supplements. Thank you again, our conversations and laughs not only provide invaluable advice but your help, support and willingness to be contacted anytime (an open door) has resulted in my no longer feeling the need for counselling. I am so grateful to my last counsellor for finding you.